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Know Him More

Journey To The Land Of Milk And Honey

My life has been characterized with series of suffering but I always pictured that when I die, there will be a beautiful tombstone on my grave. Will I drown here? In Marah: I knew it! We could have been better off drinking spring water back in Egypt! There’s no way I can live on this bitter water. What about the hunger I’m feeling right now? We always had crumbs to eat no matter how terrible our day went as slaves.…

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Everyday Lifestyle


Dictatorship with the garment of democracy Footsteps on the way to freedom accompanied by chains and headed by insatiable politicians  Religion crazed nation, atrocities in the name of the Holy One Barter with humans, blood as the new currency Death bills in fulfillment of elections treachery The struggle of financial freedom where the investor is at the mercy of the lender Protests emerge subtly as sponsored campaigns  We are Judas with shreds of independence left that may take us back…

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Know Him More

Make Prayer a Priority

  Prayer is the breath of Christian life. It is real communication to our maker. It doesn’t have to take a particular form. When we pray, we should do that wholeheartedly and not think about if our prayers would be answered or not.  Sometimes when we speak to God, doubt creeps in. Thoughts like: “what if I am asking for too much?”, “will God hear me? This person died from this same sickness”, “will God forgive my past sins and…

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For what reason do we generally go for what is awful for us? He was resolved not to ever love on the grounds that He’s been hurt severally It was excessively clear she adored him yet he couldn’t reciprocate She never requested much since she would not like to hurt herself She called regularly however she was disregarded He constantly found a reason to keep her far off She gave him most of her attention She smiled so sweetly and…

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Self Development


After a long month of unexpected hiatus, I’m here and heaven knows I’ve missed writing. If you’re to describe me in one word, what will it be? I think ‘Overthinker’ will fit perfectly. I’ve had a million conversations in my head before I actually say a spoken word. I have dates with my thoughts, I’ve visited twenty countries and 50 cities with my mind. The most scenic environment has already been created by my thoughts. The greater part of us…

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Self Development

Believing in me in the midst of Self Doubt

When I started writing I didn’t think it was good enough for others to read. I had lot of things going through my mind. I always kept my calligraphy and colored pens close to me. It was a form of art for me putting down my opinions. But self doubt always had a way of creeping into my head and reorganizing my goals. There’s always this voice saying somewhere “People will laugh at you. You’re not going to get this…

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The goosebumps were filled on the skin Hairs stood at the back of the neck In a moment, the rancid smell of liquefying skin blended with roasted hair and metals was choking It didn’t put on a show to care or recognize anyone It had nothing to do with being too good or excessively insidious. Dark smoke and fire filled the air The absence of oxygen took life speedier than the burns Time will stop and each memory will be…

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Know Him More Self Development

New world this could be fun

“Fear just exist in your mind, it’s not real. What can’t get you in the light can’t come after you in the dark” This pretty facade is gradually wearing off I’m not a child anymore but I’m still scared of the dark I dread when it’s sunset and there is no power I think of everything happy and everyone I love and eventually sleep off. What am I scared of? I don’t want to ever be alone. Why do I…

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Hey is that you?

“Is this the only shirt you have?” I’m reading that in Atonye’s voice. Gracious Lawd!!! Why today? Why me? “Lol. I know I’m putting on the same garments and shoes the last time I saw you. Trust me it’s happenstance. Infact I’ve not worn it since then until now and here you are once more. Chill enable me to clarify this. “You can accompany me home. I have more garments and footwear however you’ve chosen to simply observe me wearing…

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It’s the last day of my birth month and I decided to post today just because I feel like. So I’ve lived two decades and trennium and I feel ancient already. I try so hard so see if I can go with the trend and flow with my friends within my age range but it’s not that easy. Sometimes I feel like a mom, other times a guidance counselor. On a more serious note, 23 is such a cool age…

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