Jesus My soul needs you now more than ever Convince my heart to do your will Storms and fears are taking over My day goes with bout of doubts I can’t escape being in pain Alleviate my fears before they come alive Fix my broken hope with spring like the pastures of the wilderness Amend what I imagine and give me strength like the figs and vine Rescue my thoughts from old wounds and pour warmth into it Speak to…
I’ll be the last person to say I’m short. In my head I’m too tall that’s probably because most of my friends are tall and I’ve never dated someone less than 6ft so it automatically gave me the pass to be tall. But I’m unquestionably short. Sometimes I get tired of looking up to my friends so I can talk to them or getting on tiptoe just for a hug. The struggles are too real. My life sometimes is a…
Okay I’m not reviewing Sidney Sheldon’s book with the same title. This isn’t Ashley, Toni or Alette being in one person. I don’t know how that Disociative Personality Disorder works or if it’s actually real, but sometimes I am convinced that I have four distinct personalities and I play it out unconsciously. -First of all, there’s the very serious Aniekan that would literally see that everything goes as planned. She’s an economist and financial planner, strong willed, always aiming to…
Being excited the present day is an understatement, I’m thankful. I’m getting old but I’m still young at heart. I did wake up this morn humour did bless. I did has’t to thank God, I did tryeth counting mine blessings at which hour I wast praying, for moo than 1 hour I didn’t reacheth half of ‘t. I figured I’ll spendeth mine life thanking Him. He’s been so like a silver bow in mine life despite going through life challenges,…
Gradually you’re turning to the person you never said you’d be. You’re doing all the things you swore you’d never be caught doing. Finally you accept it as a lifestyle and make it who you are. We probably did not know what it felt like to experience the world in another person’s perspective and view life from their living conditions before we said we would never be like them or act the way they do. Most times from our comfort…
Yesterday evening I went for Bible Study which turned out to be a wake keeping service for a 61 year old woman. I’ve never been to one so I decided to stay through the three hours it took. She died when she was serving in church (a sanctuary keeper). When it was time for the tribute, everyone had something great to say about her. She was so much loved and most people went on to celebrate how sure they were…
It didn’t matter if my house was just 5-10minutes away from where I worked, I felt this intense dislike going to work every day. I love acquiring knowledge from people, tasks, experience, personal study, environment,etc. But I wasn’t adding to what I knew and my work was becoming so frustrating each day. Karl Marx argument that the ultimate source of profit, the driving force behind capitalist production, is the unpaid labor of workers. For Marx, exploitation forms the base of…
Padding my little feet down the walkway Feeling like a model in my monokini I looked at my parents with their broad grin I knew my expected reaction was to be excitement My hair falling across my face and I had to brush it off a few times I felt the stares like the scorching sun I was probably too cute I had my moment to take it all in The golden rays from the sky The aesthetic palm trees…
Do you want to bake your ideas to life? Let your cake tell your story for you. Don’t just go for quantity or quality when you can have both at an affordable price. VYCK confectionery got you covered with our standard service and delivery. We have a variety of cakes ranging from cupcakes to layer cakes, vanilla to chocolate, buttercream to whipped cream and any toppings on your cake. Designed cakes for celebrations like: Graduation Wedding Birthdays Anniversaries Holidays Baby…