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Know Him More

Truth Be Told

Lie number one you’re supposed to have it all together And when they ask how you’re doing Just smile and tell them, “Never better” Lie number 2 everybody’s life is perfect except yours So keep your messes and your wounds And your secrets safe with you behind closed doors Truth be told The truth is rarely told, now I say I’m fine, yeah I’m fine oh I’m fine, hey I’m fine but I’m not I’m broken And when it’s out…

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I’ve never been the conventional boring person but recently I’m like how do I put up with my boredom, talk more of the people around me. I am going to write today like this is my diary. I’ve been observing social distancing in the real sense with almost everyone. Most days I’m just confused. What next? And then what? I can hardly think of the next thing to do. My emotions are everywhere causing havoc. I’ve tried registering for a…

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Know Him More

Living Free

Prayer: God, I ask that you would give me peace through the suffering I endure. I thank you that even though life may come crashing down on all sides, I have your uplifting hand sustaining me. I recognize that I will never fully understand how you work, so increase my trust in you. I ask that even if life doesn’t turn out the way I plan, I would recognize and trust in your power and plan. Thank you for the…

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Change is coming

Somehow and somewhere in my heart I always prayed for change. It seemed impossible. It felt like we’ve adjusted to the system of corruption and it was working fine for us. I grew up with a system where the masses thanked the kleptomaniac leaders for the crumbs accumulated from the national reserve.The whole system was fucked up. The poor got poorer and the “ogas at the top” knew only one thing: how to keep stealing. Hoodlums were created as a…

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September 2020

My September started uncertain and at the end it became clear that everyday was the summary of my last 8 months. It was filled with  congratulations from engagements, condolence messages, my vlogging (this isn’t still a thing though 🤣🤣🤣), summer, autumn, church, school, lockdown, making new friends, losing friends, birthdays, swimming, parties, dates, forgiveness, learning, good vibes, faith, trust and bonding. I was mostly stressed this month from my dissertation but I thank God I’m fine and it’s finally over.…

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If you’re happy and you know it

Can we all decide to take a break from all that’s going on around us and decide to happy regardless of how sad we feel? Some of us are having the worst moment of our lives. I really wish I can relate with every struggle and come up with the best solution. Life is made up of seasons. We’ve come to realise that life events don’t exactly go according to how we plan them. Let’s have the courage to be anything else…

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Pure vibes and Insha Allah

I’ve been all about being peng with my jpegs. The past few weeks were like the best so far. I started a Whasapp vlog. Tbh it doesn’t make sense to me as the executive producer, cameraman, director and videographer but I have views and fans 🤣🤣🤣. I love you guys. It started as a joke but my friends write me that they look forward to my post everyday. Who knows if they’re mocking me??? E consign them. Basically we have…

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Summer in Ireland

When I open my blinds every morning, I always check the rose petals if they’ve bloomed. For me, it kind of represented a new change that’s coming. After that, I open my windows to feel warmth of the summer sun. The blazing of the blue sky and the golden sun meant it was time to get picture ready. I’ve never liked winter. It felt like all through the year was cold. Moving to a new country meant I had to…

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Know Him More

Encourage Yourself in the Lord

You Have A Choice Everyone needs encouragement in their lives. Encouragement infuses hope and strength when life gets tough. But, as you grow and mature in your walk with the Lord, you will realize that sometimes there is no one available to encourage you because everyone around you seems to be dealing with their own crisis. It looks like the world is so self-consumed that encouragement to others is scarce now.  The pressures and busyness of life leave little room…

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