Growing up as a child I heard about His love for me How possible was this when I didn’t even know Him Everyone told me about all the good things He’s been doing for me Was he a distant relation making up for the lost moment or could it…
You might be a bad friend without even realizing it. We get so used to people that we become less conscious to the things we say to them or do around them. It could be a good thing or a bad thing. But have you ever wondered how the other person feels about this? Most of your friends won’t want to tell you that you’re hurting them or they don’t like your attitude towards certain things because they don’t want…
The target for my Personal CDS were the students in my PPA, those with torn uniforms so I decided to provide uniforms for 200 students, organize a quiz competition with a grand prize of a Nokia phone and cash prizes for the second and third runner up. I can’t explain how the money was available but God provided everything, I was very reluctant to do it because I knew that Ekiti state would probably just clap for me and that…
When I went back to PH, I had a lot of time to think if I should redeploy or change my posting to Ado. It didn’t take so long for my answer to come in a strange way because my dear Jess in Adamawa applied to be redeployed to Delta state again but guess what??? They redeployed her to Ekiti ?????? We decided to remain there since the goal was to be together ( from secondary school to same university,…
National Youth Service Corps….Hmmm. That’s one stage in life most Nigerians look forward to whether to experience the good part or the bad part of it. Lemme share my NYSC experience though it’s three months since I passed out. Before I started my NYSC registration, I was considering if I should go for my masters first or just do the NYSC since most of my friends would be serving too and no one would like to hear stale camp gist…
I’ve tried fashion designing once with my friend Nneoma. We even had a name for it, Adelson. It didn’t work out because we were not even serious with it. I have up to a hundred sketches, started tailoring in Agbado-Ekiti where I served but I didn’t take it so serious either. Now I’m ready to go to a fashion school. I can’t be amending only clothes and sewing boxers with all the training. I’m still a learner for now. I…