In order to send your message across you have to get an understanding of the opportunities, target audience and the best communication media available at that moment. With our splendid knowledge of promotion in Nigeria, we have combined both flexible and solid solutions designed to fit your communication needs as well as your budget. ICT Promotional Services @ Pearlstack Technologies- Effective and Affordable promotion of your website, products and services. Pearlstack Technologies offers promotion services to the Nigerian target audience,…
“He shall choose our inheritance for us” (Psa. 47:4). “It is the Lord: let him do what seemeth him good” (1 Sam. 3:18). In the morning of life I chose for myself—I chose the beautiful and good things set before me, and now in the evening, when the shadows are closing round, He chooses for me. If I have worn a crown of roses, shall I not gladly change it for one of thorns, if it brings me nearer? When…
Joyeuse Pâques à tous (Happy Easter everyone) ?. I’m excited that today is a public holiday and I’m at home all day without that early morning struggle of getting what to wear or trying to blend my makeup and still leave the house on time. Shout out to one amazing girl I’ve known since I was 11, Eyimife Egwudale my Aproco partner. She’s a hot fashion blogger and a Mechanical engineering graduate from Nottingham University. Today is her birthday and…
There’s a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place,And I know that it’s the Spirit of the Lord; There are sweet expressions on each face, And I know they feel the presence of the Lord. Chorus Sweet Holy Spirit, Sweet heavenly Dove, Stay right here with us, filling us with Your love. And for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise; Without a doubt we’ll know that we have been revived, When we shall leave this place. There are blessings…
“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.” – Anthony Robbins When I was younger, I was quite stingy?. Before anyone would ask me for anything my reply was set at NO. I had to see a lot of reasons and benefits when I give before actually considering the option of giving. Thank God, when I became a teenager I found it easier to give things out and…
This year is really going on a fast pace. Like we are in the second quarter already which means I’m getting older too?. Happy new month to all my fabulous readers. It’s April Fool’s Day, who are you pranking today? Please let’s not overdo and kill someone’s hopes after raising it high or giving someone High BP ?. Lemme run off and do mine ??????????. 1st April, 2014 I pranked my Facebook users that it was my birthday, I changed…
“My eldest sister was a single mum who had her child when she was 17, my mum had a small shop outside our house where she sold small provisions but that wasn’t enough to provide for my large family of four girls and one boy with a dad that wasn’t working. We couldn’t even afford the luxury of three square meals. I wanted more for myself, I had to get it through any means. I regretted not being a wealthy…
My makeup life has been a bore, God knows I’ve tried my best to flee from the novice zone ?????? thanks to this ‘buriful’ lady I’m featuring today, Nehita Ojemoron. She is someone you’d love to meet, my bestie ( not so sure anymore ? but she’s more than that), well she’s really cool both in her relationship with others and her makeup creation. The first time I saw her professional work unmediated was during my parents wedding anniversary when…
Biography: Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa
Posted on March 12, 2017Happy Sunday everyone and Happy Missions week to all CGMITES. I had a great time in the presence of God earlier and I want to use this medium to remember someone very special to my faith and work with God, Benson Idahosa. It is exactly 19 years (11 September 1938 – 12 March 1998) since he passed on ? but his legacy cannot be forgotten. Affectionately called PAPA or BABA by his followers, he was a Charismatic Pentecostal preacher, and…
Am I too old to have a crush on someone? My last crush was two years ago and it’s not like I’ve not found anyone attractive since 2015, I don’t just know where I kept my feelings. Weird things attract me, it could be having a lazy contemplative look like Forest Whitaker or laugh lines like James Franco, big eyes, broken teeth, someone who is kind without even knowing your personality, or a very smart person from the way you…