
Friendship: Reevaluating Expectations and Setting Boundaries

I used to believe that being a ride or die friend meant taking on all of someone else’s problems and burdens as your own. I prided myself on being that kind of friend, always ready to act and help. But I learned the hard way that sometimes being too involved can make you seem irrational. I realized that sharing too much with the wrong person can backfire, and I don’t want to make that mistake again.

Friendships can be complicated. Personally I felt that being a good friend meant telling the harsh truth, even if it hurt. But I’ve learned that sometimes just being there and supporting your friends is enough. People just want to feel heard and understood.

It’s easy to think you know someone inside and out, only to realize you’re more of a close stranger to them. You may be there for their struggles, but not their successes. You support them, but they don’t always reciprocate. True friends should be there for each other, not talk behind each other’s backs.

I’m reevaluating what friendship means to me and starting fresh by focusing on myself and my own well-being.


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