Esther was born for such a time as this. She was beautiful and found favour in the sight of all those who saw her. She was a woman who grew into her God-given role. Esther submitted herself wholeheartedly to God and her husband in line with God’s plan without abusing the concept of submission or losing herself in the bid to remain passive. Esther showed wisdom in handling matters that could easily go haywire. She exercised her authority without abusing…
Being excited the present day is an understatement, I’m thankful. I’m getting old but I’m still young at heart. I did wake up this morn humour did bless. I did has’t to thank God, I did tryeth counting mine blessings at which hour I wast praying, for moo than 1 hour I didn’t reacheth half of ‘t. I figured I’ll spendeth mine life thanking Him. He’s been so like a silver bow in mine life despite going through life challenges,…
“He shall choose our inheritance for us” (Psa. 47:4). “It is the Lord: let him do what seemeth him good” (1 Sam. 3:18). In the morning of life I chose for myself—I chose the beautiful and good things set before me, and now in the evening, when the shadows are closing round, He chooses for me. If I have worn a crown of roses, shall I not gladly change it for one of thorns, if it brings me nearer? When…
“My eldest sister was a single mum who had her child when she was 17, my mum had a small shop outside our house where she sold small provisions but that wasn’t enough to provide for my large family of four girls and one boy with a dad that wasn’t working. We couldn’t even afford the luxury of three square meals. I wanted more for myself, I had to get it through any means. I regretted not being a wealthy…
Am I too old to have a crush on someone? My last crush was two years ago and it’s not like I’ve not found anyone attractive since 2015, I don’t just know where I kept my feelings. Weird things attract me, it could be having a lazy contemplative look like Forest Whitaker or laugh lines like James Franco, big eyes, broken teeth, someone who is kind without even knowing your personality, or a very smart person from the way you…