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Art Lifestyle

The best part of me

I was very curious growing up. I wanted to know everything. I wanted to be part of good conversations with great minds, so I started reading. When I was seven, I tore pages from my notebook to write a storybook. I had several of them. My imaginations were so wild. In primary school I had Enid Blyton’s collection and I read all the LadyBird books in the school library. Newspapers were my next best thing when I entered junior school.…

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The Best Ever

Falling in love was something that was certain for us. Regardless of how things turned out, I am glad we remained friends. We’ve known each other long enough to let our silence do the talking. There was a time I hung on to every word you said, they were valuable like gold and that hasn’t changed. When life became tough for me and I became unstable, you kept me afloat so I won’t drown with my problems. We have a…

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Hello 25!

Happy Birthday to me. It was not long ago I made a bucket list of things to do before I turn 25. I slept and woke up and then boom: “Happy Birthday Anie baby, you’re getting old.” Whettttt!!! I don’t want to get old 😩. Growing up isn’t as fun as I want it to be. A lot of responsibilities and expectations. I can remember my 13th birthday vividly. Time kept ticking with happy New Year. I’m getting really worried…

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I finally believe the eyes are the windows to the soul Your eyes are the purest form of art I basically invented a conversation with them that will never be I read every deep message it communicated As your lashes fluttered, I knew I could be lost in your gaze forever I was almost hynoptized as your irises had this warmness around it The last time I looked deeply into someone’s eyes this much was when I felt anger and…

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Smile Laugh Forgive Pray Love Eat Sleep Read God Bite Joke Encourage Give Disturb Play Plan Passion Observe Loyal Good Kind Crazy Write Sew Bake Cook Teach Learn Family Friends Forgive Laugh Forgive Laugh Forgive Laugh Don’t CRY…

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Know Him More

Dear Father

Dear Father, From the depth of my heart I’m grateful for everything. You’ve never let me down even when I lose my faith. It’s getting crazy and scary out here. A lot of people are jobless, traumatized, stressed, sick and hungry. Provide our daily bread for today, tomorrow and everyday of our lives. I want to ask that you meet us at the point of our needs. Let us come through all these unscathed. We can’t do this alone without…

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For the first time ever, her life was filled with so much drama. She has lived over two decades but she was always the “good girl”. She tried making her life perfect but of course no one was. It just took one day for her ‘quiet shy girl’ status to be over. What hurt her most was that her friends were the ones saying all sort of things. She was heartbroken. All she did was cried throughout the night into…

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Know Him More Lifestyle

Love, the Motivation of Our Lives

If I were to speak with eloquence in earth’s many languages, and in the heavenly tongues of angels, yet I didn’t express myself with love, my words would be reduced to the hollow sound of nothing more than a clanging cymbal. And if I were to have the gift of prophecy with a profound understanding of God’s hidden secrets, and if I possessed unending supernatural knowledge, and if I had the greatest gift of faith that could move mountains, but…

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