“The Lord will hear when I call unto him” (Psa. 4:3). “Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer” (Isa. 58:9). The privilege of prayer to me is one of my most cherished possessions, because faith and experience alike convince me that God Himself sees and answers, and His answers I never venture to criticize. It is only my part to ask. It is entirely His to give or withhold as He knows best. If it were otherwise, I…
I’m gradually turning into a tourist but then no one should blame me ??. Why should I visit a city with tourist attractions and I won’t go there? ? It won’t work. My first was in 2009 where I went to’THE GATE OF NO RETURN’ in Benin Republic, my phone got missing after that journey and I lost all my pictures???. I followed my friend for her sister’s visiting day in Abeoukuta which is roughly 1 hour from Lagos. I…
I’ve always been an avid reader and Dan Brown is one author I find fascinating. I read THE DA VINCI CODE when I was 14 and I’ll be reviewing the book (there’s also a movie). It is a blockbuster book which is an unusual thriller and mystery. The fiction went overboard in the depiction of the divinity of Jesus, His supposed marriage to Mary Magdalene and His descent that survives through this contemporary period. It has a controversial supposition about…
My makeover yesterday for my engagement party ?
Posted on February 16, 2017This was the look for my engagement party yesterday. It looks good right??? I’m joking o, I don’t want my phone to go off from low battery and calls. …
Happy Valentine’s Day…Check Out My Interview With True Artiste
Posted on February 14, 2017Happy Valentine everyone? (I hope Cupid doesn’t get me). How many people like me won’t be expecting so much from today? Well I’ll just continue reading my book THINK LIKE A CHAMPION by Donald Trump. Y’all should get it, it’s insightful. So I did an interview with True Artiste, very awesome. All you have to do is to click on the link below and get the full interview. “I’m an artiste because I refuse to be bored. I’m on the…
CHRISTIANITY ON THE “GO” “Go out quickly into the streets and lanes” (Luke 14:21). “Go into the highways” (Matt. 22:9). “Go into the village” (Matt. 21:2). “Go into the city” (Matt. 26:18). “Go ye and teach all nations” (Matt. 28:19). “Go ye into all the world” (Mark 16:15). Florence Nightingale went from her beautiful home to the bedside of dying soldiers. Billy Bray, the miner, went into the villages around about and taught Christ and witnessed for “his Father.” Elizabeth…
Aters( In Bobrisky’s voice) will say I didn’t do a good job Happy Weekend. I did the makeup on my face too?…
I was really bored last week and I decided to make a dress. I had to measure myself and sew with my hand ( like every single fabric was put together with ?
?) since I don’t have a sewing machine. It seemed hopeless at first but I wasn’t really bothered about the stress because my mind was really into it. I used approximately nine hours to complete everything. The sewing isn’t so smooth because of the texture of the material…
This is an excerpt from my devotional OUR ONLY CARE, TO PLEASE GOD “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” (John 12:43). “Do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ” (Gal. 1:10). It is a light thing to be judged of man’s judgment, and all the lighter since they are so prone to judge by a false standard. What is it to…
Self improvement is the improvement of one’s knowledge, mind, skills, status or character by one’s effort. “Becoming a better version of yourself is the main goal of self improvement-to improve in your job, your business, your relationships”. -Tyler Leslie How comfortable are you in your present state? Do you dream big and constantly want to improve yourself? There are…