These four words—loss, grief, love, and life—are deeply intertwined for me. Whenever I reflect on one, the others inevitably come to mind. They are interconnected, each shaping and defining the other in profound ways. Loss is the end of something whether relationship, dream or a phase of life. For me in recent times, has often represented what could have been. It is filled with endless “What ifs” of life ranging from unspoken words, missed choices or opportunities that linger in…
Everyday Lifestyle
It wasn’t just about you It wasn’t just about the things you did It’s not you It’s me It’s about the people in my life It’s about the constant hurt in different repeated forms It’s about not seeing the pattern until it’s too late I always want a forever bond with the people in my life I make effort to always show up and be present I make everyone and their needs my priority It didn’t start today Since…
I finally got my Schengen visa and I’m ready for that travel. It’s been a long time coming. So I was supposed to meet up with my friends Ruth and Ebun either in Amsterdam or France. One week before traveling, there was change of plans. I was going to be a solo traveler for the first week in Amsterdam. I had two weeks to spend, thanks to my recharge week and work from any country 💃🏻. I started my July…
Dictatorship with the garment of democracy Footsteps on the way to freedom accompanied by chains and headed by insatiable politicians Religion crazed nation, atrocities in the name of the Holy One Barter with humans, blood as the new currency Death bills in fulfillment of elections treachery The struggle of financial freedom where the investor is at the mercy of the lender Protests emerge subtly as sponsored campaigns We are Judas with shreds of independence left that may take us back…
I’ve had several embarrassing moments. I had to go through my journal to take the one that’s more recent, annoying and funny. There was this guy in my French School then, his name was Andre (he had “strong ties with the people of France??,” that’s why he had a French name). We weren’t close in my first two sessions. We only spoke when we got paired for conversations. I just knew there was something strange about him I couldn’t figure…
“Whollup, what did you say?”? Reason to Believe wants you to have a say in her post and have an exclusive giveaway. All you have to do is to read the poem below and interpret it in your understanding. The top three winners will receive prizes. Why don’t you give it a try and see how poetic you can be. Send an email to for your entries. Winners would be announced. Drowsy with the dread of the unknown With…
So I almost cried today because of one annoying conductor. I told uncle where I was going to stop, he was more interested in taking my money than knowing my direction. I noticed he was passing another route because of one insignificant traffic. I kept on reminding him where I was going to stop, he started arguing if I know Lagos or his job more than him. I said ‘okay o’and kept observing before I’ll reach Ogun State. At a…
Heroes of Christ presents another mind blowing dance concert this summer with the theme ‘GRACE IS THE NEW SWAG’ on Sunday 27th August, 2017 at 4:30pm in the auditorium of Peniel Motel of old refinery road, Elelenwo. The concert theme offers an eclectic playlist of music that has inspired the choreographers to showcase their style, vibe and groove moves. The mixtape playlist will feature music artists with different music styles. This funky, fresh hip hop dance performance brings together a…
Types of candidates you meet in an aptitude test or job interview.
Posted on August 11, 2017I’m sure everyone can totally relate to this post whether you’ve gone for a job interview or a test. Infact it hasn’t changed since the days of primary school entrance exams. I decided to make a post about this after I saw some people with different characteristics in the last interview I went for. Which of them are you?? 1. The confused ones-The ones that didn’t know the job role they applied for. Infact the name of the company. The…