It didn’t matter if my house was just 5-10minutes away from where I worked, I felt this intense dislike going to work every day. I love acquiring knowledge from people, tasks, experience, personal study, environment,etc. But I wasn’t adding to what I knew and my work was becoming so frustrating each day. Karl Marx argument that the ultimate source of profit, the driving force behind capitalist production, is the unpaid labor of workers. For Marx, exploitation forms the base of…
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Types of candidates you meet in an aptitude test or job interview.
Posted on August 11, 2017I’m sure everyone can totally relate to this post whether you’ve gone for a job interview or a test. Infact it hasn’t changed since the days of primary school entrance exams. I decided to make a post about this after I saw some people with different characteristics in the last interview I went for. Which of them are you?? 1. The confused ones-The ones that didn’t know the job role they applied for. Infact the name of the company. The…