I dreaded September. I kept checking my balance every two days to make sure I would still have a house after my expenses. It was almost like all my closest friends were born in September. Hey God!!! How will I survive this shame and a lot of them got me something on my birthday. Jessica opened the floor of September birthdays. I was glad I was able to settle all the September celebrants. Next thing gist flying up and down…
I didn’t see this trip coming soon. It was expected at some point but later than sooner. After a little argument with the loml, next thing I’m checking train fares, hotel prices and my PTO to suit the day we wanted. My browser was filled with things to do in Galway. I was making budgets to minimise costs I didn’t plan for. After my weekend request for time off was not granted, what a better way to start your week…
I’m gradually turning into a tourist but then no one should blame me ??. Why should I visit a city with tourist attractions and I won’t go there? ? It won’t work. My first was in 2009 where I went to’THE GATE OF NO RETURN’ in Benin Republic, my phone got missing after that journey and I lost all my pictures???. I followed my friend for her sister’s visiting day in Abeoukuta which is roughly 1 hour from Lagos. I…