Birthdays are special occasions that bring joy, celebration, and sometimes even surprises. Little did I know that this year, my friends had planned an extraordinary surprise house birthday party for me a day before my birthday. Also I had another another unforgettable experience—a trip to Poland to see my sister whom I hadn’t seen in years. May became a whirlwind of emotions, filled with laughter, love, and treasured memories that will forever hold a special place in my heart. The…
I finally got my Schengen visa and I’m ready for that travel. It’s been a long time coming. So I was supposed to meet up with my friends Ruth and Ebun either in Amsterdam or France. One week before traveling, there was change of plans. I was going to be a solo traveler for the first week in Amsterdam. I had two weeks to spend, thanks to my recharge week and work from any country 💃🏻. I started my July…
I dreaded September. I kept checking my balance every two days to make sure I would still have a house after my expenses. It was almost like all my closest friends were born in September. Hey God!!! How will I survive this shame and a lot of them got me something on my birthday. Jessica opened the floor of September birthdays. I was glad I was able to settle all the September celebrants. Next thing gist flying up and down…
Thinking back to my childhood and daydreams about my 21st birthday, I was kind of convinced I would be living up my dreams in my career, working in the World Bank even as an intern for a start. I even fancied myself as a world traveler, backpacking across Europe and spending my days sipping wine with the world’s most fascinating people, meeting world’s best sellers and having my contributions on their paperbacks. Ok my dreams didn’t turn out as I…
Joyeuse Pâques à tous (Happy Easter everyone) ?. I’m excited that today is a public holiday and I’m at home all day without that early morning struggle of getting what to wear or trying to blend my makeup and still leave the house on time. Shout out to one amazing girl I’ve known since I was 11, Eyimife Egwudale my Aproco partner. She’s a hot fashion blogger and a Mechanical engineering graduate from Nottingham University. Today is her birthday and…