I dreaded September. I kept checking my balance every two days to make sure I would still have a house after my expenses. It was almost like all my closest friends were born in September. Hey God!!! How will I survive this shame and a lot of them got me something on my birthday. Jessica opened the floor of September birthdays. I was glad I was able to settle all the September celebrants. Next thing gist flying up and down…
Somehow and somewhere in my heart I always prayed for change. It seemed impossible. It felt like we’ve adjusted to the system of corruption and it was working fine for us. I grew up with a system where the masses thanked the kleptomaniac leaders for the crumbs accumulated from the national reserve.The whole system was fucked up. The poor got poorer and the “ogas at the top” knew only one thing: how to keep stealing. Hoodlums were created as a…
In order to send your message across you have to get an understanding of the opportunities, target audience and the best communication media available at that moment. With our splendid knowledge of promotion in Nigeria, we have combined both flexible and solid solutions designed to fit your communication needs as well as your budget. ICT Promotional Services @ Pearlstack Technologies- Effective and Affordable promotion of your website, products and services. Pearlstack Technologies offers promotion services to the Nigerian target audience,…