Being excited the present day is an understatement, I’m thankful. I’m getting old but I’m still young at heart. I did wake up this morn humour did bless. I did has’t to thank God, I did tryeth counting mine blessings at which hour I wast praying, for moo than 1 hour I didn’t reacheth half of ‘t. I figured I’ll spendeth mine life thanking Him. He’s been so like a silver bow in mine life despite going through life challenges, a period in mine life I couldn’t walketh but I’m not on clutches right anon. I’ve did has’t the most wondrous education and supporteth system from mine parents and siblings. I’m free, did save, did love by family and cater-cousins. ‘t’s so most wondrous how a lot of people behold up to me for counsel and how God hath did use me to touch liveth. I hast a cater-cousin who is’t is very much sick. I receiveth gasted and pray for him to see everyday. ‘t couldst hast been me but I’m just adding weight in the right places and eating anyhow. I’ve gotten mine shares of ups and downs. At the time of this post, I’ve gotten tons of messages I’ve been replying ever since, video and voice calleth, and hoyday packages, credit alerts. I didn’t plan the present day but I feeleth so did bless. Gramercy so much. Whence I am can nay longer enwheel mine destiny. I’m going deeper.

Benson Imoh, ST
May 7, 2018 at 6:59 pmHappy birthday again Anie. You deserve.
May 8, 2018 at 10:00 pmThanks dear😊
May 7, 2018 at 7:09 pmThe write up tho’ I did literature buh I’m confused now if this is Shakespearian or Bible style of writing😀…..nice write up, hope you’re enjoying your day😉
May 8, 2018 at 10:00 pmIt’s Shakespearean. I’m sorry for getting everyone confused
May 8, 2018 at 10:01 pmThanks dear. Yes I am😊
Micheal Oj
May 7, 2018 at 10:16 pmHappy special birthday Annie, God bless you greatly