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Know Him More Lifestyle

Plan B

After two decades of living life smoothly, I realized that Plan B was a thing. God had a way of answering my prayers just in time, preventing me from considering other options. My 20th birthday began with a Plan B: NYSC or a Master’s degree? Naturally, I tried both at the same time, unconsciously making a choice. Afterwards, it became a matter of choosing the lesser evil or the greater good. Choosing the lesser evil has always been a choice…

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Self Development Uncategorized


Cher amoureux, I’m really excited writing to you. God knows how much I’ve missed you and your killer advice. A lot has been going on with me and I want to just say how I feel even though I keep acting it’s all good. Life after graduation hasn’t been so easy for me like it’s almost like you have every stage of your life planned out and all of a sudden it hangs. It’s not like you don’t know what…

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Know Him More Uncategorized

He Chooses Wisely

“He shall choose our inheritance for us” (Psa. 47:4). “It is the Lord: let him do what seemeth him good” (1 Sam. 3:18). In the morning of life I chose for myself—I chose the beautiful and good things set before me, and now in the evening, when the shadows are closing round, He chooses for me. If I have worn a crown of roses, shall I not gladly change it for one of thorns, if it brings me nearer? When…

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