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Everyday Lifestyle Lifestyle

Loss, Grief, Love, and Life

These four words—loss, grief, love, and life—are deeply intertwined for me. Whenever I reflect on one, the others inevitably come to mind. They are interconnected, each shaping and defining the other in profound ways.   Loss is the end of something whether relationship, dream or a phase of life. For me in recent times, has often represented what could have been. It is filled with endless “What ifs” of life ranging from unspoken words, missed choices or opportunities that linger in…

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It’s not something you can clearly communicate to others about how you feel.  Most times we act like we don’t even feel it.  We smile like we are alright but deep down there’s something like a knife slicing your insides.  We all know they’ll be healing for every pain but the problem is how long can you survive? Do I cry? Maybe? Sometimes? Hardly.  Your chest just hurts. Sometimes I’d rather allow my self feel physical pain and equate it…

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I finally believe the eyes are the windows to the soul Your eyes are the purest form of art I basically invented a conversation with them that will never be I read every deep message it communicated As your lashes fluttered, I knew I could be lost in your gaze forever I was almost hynoptized as your irises had this warmness around it The last time I looked deeply into someone’s eyes this much was when I felt anger and…

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