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Know Him More

A Heart for God

January began with me writing down my goals and New Year’s resolutions. I know—it’s cliché—but it had been so long since I last did it. On December 31st, as I prayed, I felt an overwhelming certainty that 2025 would be different. It was as if I heard a voice telling me so. I got everything ready—new gadgets, lessons, a diet and workout plan, a Bible study plan, and a fasting and prayer schedule. And I followed through. I prayed. But…

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Know Him More Lifestyle

Plan B

After two decades of living life smoothly, I realized that Plan B was a thing. God had a way of answering my prayers just in time, preventing me from considering other options. My 20th birthday began with a Plan B: NYSC or a Master’s degree? Naturally, I tried both at the same time, unconsciously making a choice. Afterwards, it became a matter of choosing the lesser evil or the greater good. Choosing the lesser evil has always been a choice…

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Know Him More Lifestyle


Days First were the days that were part of me; There were days when I didn’t feel alone. There were days when all I could feel was the warmth of the Holy Spirit. There were days when all I wanted to do was pray. There were days when worship was my language. There were days when all I wanted to do was allow God to take control. Those were the days I felt hopeful.   Moments Then came the moments…

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Know Him More

Faith Over Fear

People often focus too much on where they’ve been. Where they are from, the manner in which they grew up. The poor choices they’ve made, and the setbacks that they’ve experienced. But life isn’t about where you’ve been, it’s about where you’re going. The person I was isn’t the person I am, nor is it the person that I hope to become. You see, God wants your attention to be focused on the present. He wants you to look straight…

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Know Him More

By His Stripes I’m Healed

Twenty-One Days to Discover That God Cures “In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar, and the message was true and one of great conflict. And he understood the message and had understanding of the vision. In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no tasty food, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all until three whole…

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Know Him More

We all experience fear in one way or another. Perhaps you wake in the early hours of the morning remembering that you have a pile of bills waiting to be paid and an empty bank account. Or maybe you don’t sleep much at all because every noise you hear reminds you of the time your home was broken into. Sometimes we fear what is to come – an illness, the death of a loved one, being alone. There is also…

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Know Him More

Living Free

Prayer: God, I ask that you would give me peace through the suffering I endure. I thank you that even though life may come crashing down on all sides, I have your uplifting hand sustaining me. I recognize that I will never fully understand how you work, so increase my trust in you. I ask that even if life doesn’t turn out the way I plan, I would recognize and trust in your power and plan. Thank you for the…

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Know Him More

Encourage Yourself in the Lord

You Have A Choice Everyone needs encouragement in their lives. Encouragement infuses hope and strength when life gets tough. But, as you grow and mature in your walk with the Lord, you will realize that sometimes there is no one available to encourage you because everyone around you seems to be dealing with their own crisis. It looks like the world is so self-consumed that encouragement to others is scarce now.  The pressures and busyness of life leave little room…

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Know Him More


Maybe we should start believing Perhaps we have nothing at all to lose Maybe all our dreams aren’t forgotten after all Maybe it’s not just that late to start ticking our to-do list   Yes the wait is so long We are tired of all the questions All the time and effort is looking like a waste Our faith can’t carry the words “hold on” anymore   Years have gone by and we are getting older Our experience is looking…

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Know Him More

Hold On!!!

Yaaaaaay!!! The last day of the year is finally here I’m really grateful for a lot of things. I know we are ready to hear ‘2019 is your year’ Let’s not get so used to that phrase and forget that it could actually be.  2018 has taught me something remarkable. I learnt the hard way how you can be so close to achieving something you really want but if it’s not meant for you, no magic can change that.  Does…

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