These four words—loss, grief, love, and life—are deeply intertwined for me. Whenever I reflect on one, the others inevitably come to mind. They are interconnected, each shaping and defining the other in profound ways. Loss is the end of something whether relationship, dream or a phase of life. For me in recent times, has often represented what could have been. It is filled with endless “What ifs” of life ranging from unspoken words, missed choices or opportunities that linger in…
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“Fear just exist in your mind, it’s not real. What can’t get you in the light can’t come after you in the dark” This pretty facade is gradually wearing off I’m not a child anymore but I’m still scared of the dark I dread when it’s sunset and there is no power I think of everything happy and everyone I love and eventually sleep off. What am I scared of? I don’t want to ever be alone. Why do I…