
September to Remember

I dreaded September. I kept checking my balance every two days to make sure I would still have a house after my expenses. It was almost like all my closest friends were born in September. Hey God!!! How will I survive this shame and a lot of them got me something on my birthday. Jessica opened the floor of September birthdays. I was glad I was able to settle all the September celebrants. 

Next thing gist flying up and down on Instagram. Celebrities were giving us highlights back to back. I looked forward to social media everyday. In the midst of Sapa, I was chatting with my brother Marvelous one night and he said he was ill and coming home that weekend. One part of my brain said let me surprise him. Thats how I checked the flights available, checked how many PTO’s I had left from work. Gbam I’ve booked my flight to Nigeria without thinking twice. 

I thought that the major expense was booking my flight not knowing I was in for covid tests and local flights. I instantly became broke. I wanted to cancel my flight but I was seeing voucher. Hmmm I decided to just go like that. Next day I told my parents and friends. It was like a joke to them. No one believed me. I didn’t believe myself also until I was in Lagos airport sweating like a Christmas goat.

A lot of people didn’t know I was coming back. It was a sneak in and out type of journey. I emptied my account buying things for people as per IJGB ( I Just Got Back). I didn’t know that something bigger was going to hit me next coming back. I started my Lagos waka with one rubbish bole and roasted fish ( I won’t try it ever again getting bole in Lagos). I was sneezing all through and down with catarrh all through my vacation. It started when I was arranging my box for travel. I went for pedicure and manicure and did my first ever gel polish extension. 

I travelled to Portharcourt the next day, after the struggle not to miss my flight, I didn’t see my box I waybilled with my flight. I was sad because all my clothes were there. It came the next day. I saw a few friends and on Saturday went out for my first event -a wedding after years. Before I got there, I was involved in a serious accident with my Bolt. I am glad I came out fine. That didn’t stop me from going out. I had fun with my friends, family in my two weeks. Sad I couldn’t see my immediate younger brother Uduak.Went to the cinema three times in two weeks, church, I saw my ushering family. 

I tried a new restaurant in Portharcourt. I braided my hair that looked unbraidable , knotless for that matter (my favourite hair of all time #27 and caramel). I went to Abuja, attended this one year old birthday party that was lit until rain fell the tent and almost killed us there. Had girls night out and went back to Lagos the next day for my return trip to Dublin.

BTW I was homeless when I got back to Dublin. I wouldn’t have travelled if I knew how it was going to be like. I did my favourite painting early September. Overall I had an amazing September surrounded by family, friends and gists. Looking forward to going back to Nigeria for another visit. 
Surely the best is yet to come

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    July 14, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    Brave. I like it.

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