Can we all decide to take a break from all that’s going on around us and decide to happy regardless of how sad we feel?
Some of us are having the worst moment of our lives. I really wish I can relate with every struggle and come up with the best solution.
Life is made up of seasons. We’ve come to realise that life events don’t exactly go according to how we plan them.
Let’s have the courage to be anything else apart from defeated. We were born to grow in our own way and to be true to ourselves.
Survive the tempest
Give your self worth the treatment it deserves.
I’ve been getting lot of messages like this “Aniekan you look happier these days”. I wonder if I was always that sad or just looked it. The thing is I always try to be happy no matter what. I know I’m a happy child. The weather kind of affects my mood and I try not to make it that way (I can’t be cold, sneezing and smiling… that’s so much expectation) I know better now. I don’t allow things get to me so much especially what I can’t control.
Don’t worry, be happy
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