These four words—loss, grief, love, and life—are deeply intertwined for me. Whenever I reflect on one, the others inevitably come to mind. They are interconnected, each shaping and defining the other in profound ways. Loss is the end of something whether relationship, dream or a phase of life. For me in recent times, has often represented what could have been. It is filled with endless “What ifs” of life ranging from unspoken words, missed choices or opportunities that linger in…
Pink When I was a child, I was always in tune with my favorite hue, It made me feel like I was girlie enough, and that meant attractive. Looking at my rulers, my journals, and my dresses, I unearthed the long-lost princess within me, At least it made me feel like royalty— A world wrapped in candy-floss dreams and sweet, innocent whispers. Purple Then I shifted from visuals to scents, As lilac and lavender became my quiet companions. In…
I finally deleted your pictures, I finally removed the last of us. I hate how I glow in each frame that remains, Hate the wine glass, my lip stain, Hate to see my favorite dresses I’ll never wear again, Hate the pictures of food aesthetics, the art on my plate. Your face can’t be in my view anymore— The video of the first day, too good to be true. What’s left of our first rendezvous is only a memory, The…
Shame is relative with matters of the heart, but is guilt truly inevitable? Is it that easy to break a person’s will or heart? Who is the mender of both? Does the heart know when the palpitations will come? You’re strong, they say. I was once broken; It was temporary. I became emotionally indifferent so I could function. It took looking at the one I loved, that tears didn’t mean weakness. From her eyes, I learned more about…
Remember, I ended with how I love being the unrepaired car? It has been two years, and I am still the unrepaired car— The ungrateful car that keeps its owner sad and worried. But regardless of my attitude, He still wants to be seen with me. Unworthy as I am, I would rather have my owner trade me in. But I don’t want to leave; I’m just not putting in the effort. And so my owner keeps being patient with…
I am like the unrepaired car, You know the one that manages to get around town? It looks clean on the outside, but the inside is in bad shape. You can’t truly understand what it’s like until you’re inside it. I am like the unrepaired car. Every time I encounter a pothole, I am afraid— Afraid that I might have to stop in the middle of the road, And everyone will stare, feel pity, or curse. It’s all shameful. I…
After two decades of living life smoothly, I realized that Plan B was a thing. God had a way of answering my prayers just in time, preventing me from considering other options. My 20th birthday began with a Plan B: NYSC or a Master’s degree? Naturally, I tried both at the same time, unconsciously making a choice. Afterwards, it became a matter of choosing the lesser evil or the greater good. Choosing the lesser evil has always been a choice…
I went into the bookstore to grab a few books, at the counter during my checkout I saw a card that caught my eye. It had a picture of a black swan. It had nothing inside. I knew I had to get it immediately. Inside the card was like a blank cheque and all I could do was write about how I feel about myself. The black swan was symbolic to me in a lot of ways. It is a…
I used to believe that being a ride or die friend meant taking on all of someone else’s problems and burdens as your own. I prided myself on being that kind of friend, always ready to act and help. But I learned the hard way that sometimes being too involved can make you seem irrational. I realized that sharing too much with the wrong person can backfire, and I don’t want to make that mistake again. Friendships can be complicated.…
Days First were the days that were part of me; There were days when I didn’t feel alone. There were days when all I could feel was the warmth of the Holy Spirit. There were days when all I wanted to do was pray. There were days when worship was my language. There were days when all I wanted to do was allow God to take control. Those were the days I felt hopeful. Moments Then came the moments…