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Art Lifestyle

The Sound of My Colour

Pink When I was a child, I was always in tune with my favorite hue, It made me feel like I was girlie enough, and that meant attractive. Looking at my rulers, my journals, and my dresses, I unearthed the long-lost princess within me, At least it made me feel like royalty— A world wrapped in candy-floss dreams and sweet, innocent whispers.   Purple Then I shifted from visuals to scents, As lilac and lavender became my quiet companions. In…

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Art Everyday Lifestyle Travel

Adventure, Amsterdam and Barbecue

I finally got my Schengen visa and I’m ready for that travel. It’s been a long time coming. So I was supposed to meet up with my friends Ruth and Ebun either in Amsterdam or France. One week before traveling, there was change of plans. I was going to be a solo traveler for the first week in Amsterdam. I had two weeks to spend, thanks to my recharge week and work from any country 💃🏻. I started my July…

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Skins (Pieles) 2017: Review

“I do not attribute to nature either beauty or deformity, order or confusion. Only in relation to our imagination can things be called beautiful or ugly, well-ordered or confused.”- Baruch Spinoza. I’m not really a fan of movies, boredom make me see one. After one hour of going through my Netflix with nothing to watch, I decided to look at the Spanish genre. This particular movie caught my eye. The duration was just 1 hour and 11 mins. Perfect for…

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Art Lifestyle

The best part of me

I was very curious growing up. I wanted to know everything. I wanted to be part of good conversations with great minds, so I started reading. When I was seven, I tore pages from my notebook to write a storybook. I had several of them. My imaginations were so wild. In primary school I had Enid Blyton’s collection and I read all the LadyBird books in the school library. Newspapers were my next best thing when I entered junior school.…

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VYCK Confectionery

Do you want to bake your ideas to life? Let your cake tell your story for you. Don’t just go for quantity or quality when you can have both at an affordable price. VYCK confectionery got you covered with our standard service and delivery. We have a variety of cakes ranging from cupcakes to layer cakes, vanilla to chocolate, buttercream to whipped cream and any toppings on your cake. Designed cakes for celebrations like: Graduation Wedding Birthdays Anniversaries Holidays Baby…

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Art Everyday Lifestyle Uncategorized

Dance! Dance!! Dance!!!

Heroes of Christ presents another mind blowing dance concert this summer with the theme ‘GRACE IS THE NEW SWAG’ on Sunday 27th August, 2017 at 4:30pm in the auditorium of Peniel Motel of old refinery road, Elelenwo.  The concert theme offers an eclectic playlist of music that has inspired the choreographers to showcase their style, vibe and groove moves. The mixtape playlist will feature music artists with different music styles.  This funky, fresh hip hop dance performance brings together a…

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Art Everyday Lifestyle Fashion Uncategorized

Makeup by Rosdion

My makeup life has been a bore, God knows I’ve tried my best to flee from the novice zone ?????? thanks to this ‘buriful’ lady I’m featuring today, Nehita Ojemoron. She is someone you’d love to meet, my bestie ( not so sure anymore ? but she’s more than that), well she’s really cool both in her relationship with others and her makeup creation. The first time I saw her professional work unmediated was during my parents wedding anniversary when…

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Art Everyday Lifestyle Uncategorized

My Day-Trip To Olumo Rock

I’m gradually turning into a tourist but then no one should blame me ??. Why should I visit a city with tourist attractions and I won’t go there? ? It won’t work. My first was in 2009 where I went to’THE GATE OF NO RETURN’ in Benin Republic, my phone got missing after that journey and I lost all my pictures???. I followed my friend for her sister’s visiting day in Abeoukuta which is roughly 1 hour from Lagos. I…

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Art Uncategorized

Review of The Da Vinci Code

I’ve always been an avid reader and Dan Brown is one author I find fascinating. I read THE DA VINCI CODE when I was 14 and I’ll be reviewing the book (there’s also a movie). It is a blockbuster book which is an unusual thriller and mystery. The fiction went overboard in the depiction of the divinity of Jesus, His supposed marriage to Mary Magdalene and His descent that survives through this contemporary period. It has a controversial supposition about…

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Art Everyday Lifestyle Uncategorized

Happy Valentine’s Day…Check Out My Interview With True Artiste

Happy Valentine everyone? (I hope Cupid doesn’t get me). How many people like me won’t be expecting so much from today? Well I’ll just continue reading my book THINK LIKE A CHAMPION by Donald Trump. Y’all should get it, it’s insightful. So I did an interview with True Artiste, very awesome. All you have to do is to click on the link below and get the full interview.  “I’m an artiste because I refuse to be bored. I’m on the…

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